There Are Many Ways To Move With Houston Movers.

By Laura Daniels

Houston has many choices when it comes to hiring a piano mover. Some movers charge by the piece and some movers charge hourly. Some movers will offer you a guaranteed flat rate and some movers are actual firefighters! Regardless of what you choose, remember to plan your moving day for Houston movers carefully.

Many two man crews are available at a rate near $75.00 and hour but you should always consider a crew of three which has a typical rate of $95.00. The only time these rates go higher is in the summer, on the first of the month or on a holiday or weekend. When your moving day falls in one or more of these categories, you can expect a higher price. Three men are always better if there is at least one very heavy object. Three men help make the move progress faster.

You need to be as prepared as possible on moving day. Your things need to be completely packed. Your job will to supervise and answer questions. Do as much planning as you can. Make sure the movers have a close, safe spot to put their truck. Hold a space with your car the night before if you have to. The more time you have to plan, the smoother your move will be.

This means to pack well in advance. Begin packing the moment you know you plan to move. Start by packing things you know you can do without. Eliminate the things you will not want later. It is silly to pay to relocate your trash because you didn't take the time to properly go through your things.

When you pack in advance, you can pack better and be more organized. For example, a prepared packer might have their music collection in one box, since the planning packer can reserve a box to collect music instead of packing fast and throwing music from different rooms into different boxes on the eve of the move.

Packing early makes so much sense. Everything will be organized and easy to find. You won't run out of packing supplies because you had the time to collect enough. Also, since you had time to prepare, you were even able to save up a collection of bubble wrap and boxes for free! Unpacking will be a pleasure with organized boxes.

Last minute packers always lack adequate supplies and find themselves trying to wrap up dishware with paper towels or small newspaper scraps. As a result, things get broken. Keep in mind, movers are not like you and will not carefully carry one box at time. They will load up a dolly and boxes have been known to fall off. Boxes also fall or get crushed in the truck during the bouncy ride. This is why careful packing is crucial.

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