40% Of Homes Did Not Need To Go To Foreclosure

By Adam Whazzer

It is really starting to become clear that the phrase "U.S. Housing Crisis" is nothing less than just that. It's not some overblown Media stunt to scare the people and give government a chance to play batman for a some Great Cause which has emerged from the strife. No this is not a hoax, not an over exaggeration, this is a truly devastating time in American history which has yet to completely unfold. If you are one of the majority struggling, you are not alone. The statistics are disgraceful.

The Mortgage Bankers Association numbers as of August 20, 2009 show nationally 8.22% of all notes are in default (30+ days late) and 4.3% of all mortgages are in foreclosure. That means out of 45 million mortgages 13.6% are in distress. The even more disgusting|disgraceful| thought is the statistic which states that over 70 percent of mortgage holders in distress go into Foreclosure without putting up a fight. If you have a family and you are responsible for their well being, how does one just ignore the impending doom of Homelessness? I myself have been in the same scenario and could not sleep at night much less not act.

During my time working for the Law firm I have identified several mental errors that are common among mortgage holders at risk of losing their house to foreclosure. many times they are their own worst enemy over analyzing the situation so much it makes them concerned to act because they are in fear of making the wrong decision. I can give you my sincerest opinion when I tell you that the sometimes when we try so hard not to get screwed we end up screwing ourselves. We are our own worst enemies. Remember, Analysis equals Paralysis which inevitably leads to an unfortunate conclusion.

In the Best interest of anyone who may read this, if there is only one message I can pass on to a Homeowner or Family in distress it's Never Give Up, never loose hope, and try your best to do everything you can, exhaust every possible option and most importantly try and seek out the help of qualified Legal Council. The only thing that a Person who says they can and a Person who says they can't have in common is that they are most likely both right! I wish the best of luck and good fortune to anyone who may be facing or suffering though one of so many truly unfortunate hardships and tragic situations that are becoming so common among todays Families and mortgage holder.

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