Atlas Travel Insurance Offers Healthy Options for Travelers

By Ray Sondeo

If you're traveling abroad, chances are that you are concerned about falling ill at the destination. Atlas Travel Health Insurance offers a short-term plan to put to rest just that concern, with a plan that is geared toward those traveling for pleasure, business, and study.

Most of the Atlas international travel insurance plan benefits are medical, and cover a wide range: right from getting to the hospital (ambulance costs), getting treated (outpatient charges) and treatment at the hospital (hospitalization and indemnity benefits). Physical therapy is also covered, as are emergency dental procedures. The plan covers the cost of medical evacuation in case of a life-threatening situation, and on purchase of an additional sports rider, even conditions arising from performing hazardous sports.

Seniors often struggle with the terms of travel insurance because it excludes diseases previously detected. With the Atlas international travel insurance plan, those under 70 can still get such conditions covered in case of their acute recurrence. Also, if hospitalization results in an unattended child under 18, the plan covers the minor's return home.

Apart from general medical expenses, the plan also covers expenses borne due to natural disasters, both while traveling (for accommodation), and at home. In case the disaster results in damage of the home of the insured, the plan covers his/her immediate travel home. The Atlas travel insurance plan also covers return in case of political chaos and evacuation, and injuries resulting from terrorist attacks. The plan also covers the cost of sending the remains home, in case the insured dies overseas.

The plan not just covers travel, but also temporary trips home during the plan period, for up to a maximum of 15 days in 3 months. The Atlas insurance plan eases the transition on return by offering medical coverage for 30 days in the home country.

Additional value-add services include tracking of lost baggage, referrals to doctors and lawyers, and help with replacing lost documents. Within USA, if doctors and hospitals within the PPO network provide treatment, the travel insurance policy covers 100% after the deductible.

Applicants to the Atlas international travel insurance plan must be at least 14 days old. Plans can be for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 12 months, with options for extension. An Web-based client zone helps plan holders work with and perform tasks associated with the plan. Round-the-clock, round-the-world customer service is available through toll-free phone numbers.

Benefits of the Atlas international travel insurance plan range from $50,000 to 1,000,000. The premium varies with the age of the insured, maximum medical coverage and deductible. The addition of the sports rider will increase the premium.

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