Know And Compare Credit Card Offers

By Eric Jilson

If you have a low credit rating, you will most likely not be offered an unsecured low interest credit card. This requires faith on the part of the credit card company that you will repay your debts on time. People with good credit are able to get these cards because their credit history shows that they have been capable of paying on time in the past. If you have good credit and plan to continue making timely payments, then you will probably qualify for these low-interest credit cards.

Credit cards can be very useful, especially in emergencies. Today, many places will not accept a personal check, so you can use your credit card instead of carrying cash. If you are looking for a credit card, focus on a low rate, rather than the special rewards programs included with some credit card offers. If you are able to qualify for a low rate, this can save you a lot of money. Compare all of the credit card offers to find the one offering the lowest interest and fees.

One such low interest credit card is the Chase Platinum Credit Card. It offers a zero percent introductory APR for the first six months you have the card, and has no annual fees. The Chase Travel program allows you to earn points towards travel, including hotel stays, flights, cruises, or car rentals. This program also offers travel insurance, making it a good option if you travel frequently.

Other programs allow you to earn cash rebates on your purchase. The Discover Platinum card also offers a zero percent introductory APR with no annual fees. Its rewards program includes up to 2 percent of your purchases back as a cash rewards. A few even offer up to 5 percent cash back on certain purchases.

The Bank of America Visa Platinum card has a fixed APR of 8.9 percent for balance transfers. It offers a high credit line, and has no annual fees.

Before signing an agreement for any credit card, make sure you read the Terms and Conditions. These will outline all of the interest rates, fees, and rewards programs.

If you are having trouble getting approved for a credit card, you might want to look online for a credit card offer available to you. There are some high-risk credit cards that will be available to people with bad credit, but these of course will have high interest rates and fees. They will not be good for debt consolidation loans. Beware of these cards especially if you are into debt elimination program. If looking for a credit card online, make sure you use a reputable source. There should be a lock and key pictured at the bottom of the page, or the URL should begin with https://.

If you are running a small business, youll want to look into a business credit card. The Advanta Platinum Business Card has a low introductory rate and 0 percent on balance transfers. The line of credit is up to $50,000, and there is no annual fee. However, after the introductory rate has ended, the interest rate becomes 7.99% fixed rate. Although this is low, other cards may be even lower. There are many options for business credit cards; as with personal cards, be sure to read the Terms and Conditions before signing an agreement.

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