Frightening Credit Card Debt Facts That You Should Know
12:14 AM
When it comes to credit cards there is a lot of information that we can find out about them. Credit card debt facts are something that is quite often overlooked by the people that use them. Some of the things that we can learn are astonishing. Let's look at some of the facts that we have uncovered surrounding credit cards debts.
One of the most shocking credit card debt facts is that more than 5 billion mail pieces are sent out to people nationwide in an attempt of having them apply for a credit card. Most of the people that do apply are denied. About 4% of the people that fill in the application have it accepted by the credit card company. These figures are extremely high and can explain why the credit card companies are making so much money.
The average amount of debt per household is around $9, 300. Most of the homes have more than one credit card as well. Those that have more than one card available are more likely to have an increased amount of debt.
Most of Americans do not pay off the credit card debts that they have every month. We found that only about one twelfth of the people that have credit card debt are actually paying off the entire monthly bill that they receive. They are smart consumers. They realize that they will not have to pay the high interest rates if they pay the bill off.
Most Americans carry balances forward every month. This is when they see the interest charges escalating. They do make payments but it is not what is entirely owed so it continues to build.
Over $800 billion dollars is what is owed in credit card debt by Americans every year. This is for all types of credit cards that are available. This amount is overwhelming! Think of the things that a person could do with the interest that they are paying out.
Convenience is the key for people wanting to have credit cards. This is a great thing if they are used with common sense. It is very easy to get wrapped up in the idea of being able to pay later and get in over your head. Many people have been faced with this type of situation happening to them. If this is you, then call the credit card company that you deal with. They are generally good about helping people make arrangements to pay the money that they owe.
One of the most shocking credit card debt facts is that more than 5 billion mail pieces are sent out to people nationwide in an attempt of having them apply for a credit card. Most of the people that do apply are denied. About 4% of the people that fill in the application have it accepted by the credit card company. These figures are extremely high and can explain why the credit card companies are making so much money.
The average amount of debt per household is around $9, 300. Most of the homes have more than one credit card as well. Those that have more than one card available are more likely to have an increased amount of debt.
Most of Americans do not pay off the credit card debts that they have every month. We found that only about one twelfth of the people that have credit card debt are actually paying off the entire monthly bill that they receive. They are smart consumers. They realize that they will not have to pay the high interest rates if they pay the bill off.
Most Americans carry balances forward every month. This is when they see the interest charges escalating. They do make payments but it is not what is entirely owed so it continues to build.
Over $800 billion dollars is what is owed in credit card debt by Americans every year. This is for all types of credit cards that are available. This amount is overwhelming! Think of the things that a person could do with the interest that they are paying out.
Convenience is the key for people wanting to have credit cards. This is a great thing if they are used with common sense. It is very easy to get wrapped up in the idea of being able to pay later and get in over your head. Many people have been faced with this type of situation happening to them. If this is you, then call the credit card company that you deal with. They are generally good about helping people make arrangements to pay the money that they owe.
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For detailed information about credit card facts and how to start living debt free visit
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